8 Essentials I Keep in the Car for an Easy Summer

Published by dominicancoffeebean on

Essentials I Keep in the car for an easy summer
Nothing beats that first, summer campfire

Summer hits and it is go time in Michigan. After a long winter, you’ll find Michiganders wearing swimsuits and shorts as soon as the temperature hits 55. (Well, the crazy ones anyway.) One thing I hate as I attend summer picnics, events, or gatherings is being without something left at home that would have been nice to have. As a result, there are 8 essentials I keep in the car for an easy summer. Make sure you do too!

1. Sunscreen

Sunscreen is one of the essentials I keep in the car all summer long. I know this one is obvious, but I have completely forgotten it before, especially on those May summer days where summer is just getting started. I’ve been fried on a 54 degree day before, forgetting that the sun still burns, even though it’s cooler.

I keep a bottle in each car, and on the counter near our backyard door, just so it’s always available. Be sure to check expiration dates each year too! There’s nothing that makes summer worse than starting off with a major sunburn.

2. Towels are one of the essentials I keep in the car for an easy summer

I can’t tell you how often we would go somewhere during summer and one of us, usually the child, would end up wet. Thus, we would sit in the car, seeping into the seats because we had no way of drying off. As a result, I started keeping at least a towel or two in the car.

Not only to dry us off, but towels can also be versatile enough for other unexpected needs that arise throughout summer when you’re out and about. To sit on at a gathering. To shade something. To cover up a cooler or something else in the car. They just come in super handy.

Essentials I Keep in the Car
Bring Camping Chairs for Everyone.

3. Camping Chairs

Just this week I went to a gathering outside and realized that we hadn’t brought something to sit on. The chairs always seem to be an afterthought when we have engagements in the summer. Now, I try to keep a couple in the car all summer so we aren’t left awkwardly standing around a campfire or trying to eat barbecue in the grass. No one wants ants and dirt in their food, let alone grass stains and dirt on their pants. That’s why chairs are one of the essentials I keep in the car all summer long.

We actually used this awesome fold out canvas high chair when our daughter was a baby. We got it as a gift and we didn’t realize how bad we needed it until we used it everywhere!

4. Bug Repellent

This one goes along with sunblock a little. I don’t really even think about bug repellent early on in the summer because I haven’t been reminded of the hoards of mosquitoes that show up with warmer weather yet. While a mosquito bite is (almost) a satisfying first sign of summer, you won’t want to get eaten alive at your first outdoor event either. Keep a bottle in each car and by the doors of your home, right next to the sunblock.

5. Extra Shoes

essentials I keep in the car for summer
Don’t get stuck without shoes!

This one can be tricky. It’s nice to have an extra pair of shoes in the car in case the ones you are wearing get wet or dirty somewhere. The question would be what type of shoes should you have in your car?

I usually wear keens everywhere all summer. I love how versatile and comfortable they are no matter what I’m doing. In case I need another pair of shoes, I usually have a simple pair of flip flops and that seems to take care of the rest if I’m in a bind.

However, you know your lifestyle better, so this one is up to you. If you go constantly for hikes and longer walks during summer, I suggest keeping an extra pair of tennis shoes or hiking boots in your car. If flip flops suffice, great. If you can afford it, or find some second-hand, keep a pair of keens in the car. It’s your call, but either way an extra pair of shoes (and socks) are essentials I keep in the car for summer.

6. Sweatshirts

Summer is a time where you are outside a lot and all day. In fact, a lot of times I am over at a friend’s house and evening shows up. Even though the day is warm, as the sun goes down, I get chilly, or my kid gets chilly. Having a sweatshirt or jacket in the car has always been a life-saver so we don’t have to leave or borrow from a friend, not to mention buy yet another sweatshirt we won’t need beyond this one occasion.

7. Swimsuit (Or Change of Clothes)

essentials i keep in the car
That one time we made a stop at Meijer Gardens in Grand Rapids and didn’t know there was water fun…

When there is water fun to be had, there is no holding back your kiddo. Is it just me, or does it seem that anytime there is a puddle, a sprinkler watering someone’s lawn, or even something as simple as a water bottle, your little gets wet? And it usually is before you’re about to head to church or some other engagement where you need to be somewhat cleaned up.

That’s why I have started keeping a change of clothes in my car.

Sometimes there may be an impromptu beach stop and you’re miles from home. Or you visit a friend and they have a sprinkler their kid is playing in and your kid wants to as well. Just trust me and keep extra clothes or a swimsuit on hand all summer.

Bonus- Also have a floatie or life vest in the car for little ones. We have forgotten that before too at times we needed to have one and ended up having to buy a spare.

8. A Cooler is one of the essentials I keep in the car for an easy summer

Winter in Michigan is great because the car is always cold to leave groceries in or leftovers when you go out to eat. Summer, however, can zap the health from your food in a mere half an hour depending how hot it is and what the food is.

Having a cooler is so nice because then I don’t have to rush home or just throw away leftovers if I’m not going home right away. It is just a convenient thing to have throughout summer for all kinds of needs that arise throughout the heated months.

Stock Your Car For Summer!

What essentials do you need in the car all summer so it’s an easier and lower stress one? Comment below what you like to have with you. I hope you found these 8 essentials I keep in the car all summer long helpful!

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Categories: Tips & Tricks